Zouk Immersion began as a private video collection during the initial inception of Brazilian Zouk dancing in the US - and has unintentionally become an invaluable source for disseminating historic zouk instruction to help the art form grow and expand.

Our Mission is to expand Brazilian Zouk knowledge everywhere by sharing instruction from accomplished zoukers around the world for inspiration and instruction.

Online classes will never replace real world education, or invaluable feedback and technique from qualified zouk schools. We encourage you to get instruction from a zouk school to properly learn foundational techniques behind these movements you see in any videos.

Remember keep your partner safe, happy and dancing for years to come! Our hopes is Zouk Immersion will be an added benefit for your social dancing and private practice.


PS If you would like free access to Zouk Immersion, you can contribute your videos by emailing us at [email protected].

PPS If you would like to become an Affiliate partner, email us at [email protected]